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董事会 Board of Directors
董事长/Chairman  chair@zunroyal.com 
董事/Director     ke.zhang@zunroyal.com 
董事/Director     Samuel.ramirez@zunroyal.com
董事/Director     paul.moore@zunroyal.com 
董事/Director     huaiyi.liu@zunroyal.com
总裁/President    global.exe@zunroyal.com 
北美首席执行官/Executive Supervisor of North America  Raymond.zun@zunroyal.com

大中华区首席执行官/CEO of Great China  john.fiore@zunroyal.com
北美奢华总监/Luxury Supervisor
北美时尚总监/Fashion Supervisor  vera.huang@zunroyal.com
北美美妆总监/Beauty Supervisor 
北美公关总监/Communications Supervisor
财务部/Accounting Office  略 Omitted

欧洲首席执行官/CEO of Europe  eric.stari@zunroyal.com  

欧洲团队/Europe Team  略 Omitted

编辑部/Editorial Office  editor@zunroyal.com 

咨询、反馈/Enquiry & Feedback  editor@zunroyal.com  
业务洽谈/Ad  sales@zunroyal.com   
前台电话/ Front Desk Telephone: 212-603-9813                 
办公地址/ Office Address:

45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2000, New York, NY 10111
邮寄地址/Mailing Address:
New York Celebrity Intercultural Communication Inc. (NYCIC)

45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2000
New York City, NY, USA 10111